With oranges from the foothills of Mount Etna, and locally grown rosemary, this Blood Orange & Rosemary Gin elegantly combines distinct flavours into a sophisticated spirit that can be enjoyed all year.
Gyda orennau yn deillio o droed Mynydd Etna, a rhosmari lleol, mae’r gwirod yma’n plethu blasau gwahanol yn ddi-drafferth. Asiad perffaith sy’n dawnsio ar dafod chwantus.
Did you know that a volcano played a big role in our newest blood orange & rosemary gin? The blood oranges from the groves of Sicily have perfect growing conditions. A warm climate, gentle sea breezes and a continuous source of micro-nutrients that these fruits demand. The source of the abundant micro-nutrients come from Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano. The last major eruption was in February of this year, just as our oranges were gearing themselves up to be harvested. Farmers often talk of these eruptions being lucky. That being said, if I had someone fertilise my enormous fields in a few days, I’d feel lucky too.
Our blood orange and rosemary gin is hand crafted by our head distiller, Mark. We produce these in small bespoke batches of no more than 50 bottles at a time. Perfect for gin aficionados. DELIVERY – We deliver our bottles across Cardiff every Wednesday and Saturday between 5 and 7pm. Beyond that we’ll send it in the mail (further details in the checkout section).
Oeddach chi’n gwybod bod llosgfynydd wedi chwarae rol hollbwysing yn ein jin diweddaraf. Mae’r orenau waedlyd yn deillio o Mynydd Etna yn yr Eidal. Mae nhw’n tyfu’n dda fan hyn oherwydd eu bod yn mwynhau amodau perffaith. Hinsawdd cynnes, awel mor a ffynhonnell diddiwed o microfaethynnau sy’n bwysig i ffrwythau fel sitrws. Ffynhonnell yr micorfaethynnau yma ydi Mynydd Etna, llosgfynydd mwyaf gweithredol Ewrop. Ffrwydrodd Etna nol ym mis Chwefror, fel oedd y ffrwythau sydd yn ein jin yn eistedd ar y goedan. Mae’r ffermwyr lleol yn cyfeirio at lwc dda pryd bynnag mae’r mynydd yn ffrwydro. Wedi deud hyny, tasa rhywbeth yn ffrwythloni ‘yn ffarm anferth i mewn ychydig oriau, ‘swn i’n teimlo’n eitha lwcus hefud.
Blood Orange and Rosemary Gin 500ml
With oranges from the foothills of Mount Etna, and locally grown rosemary, this Blood Orange & Rosemary Gin elegantly combines distinct flavours into a sophisticated spirit that can be enjoyed all year.
Gyda orennau yn deillio o droed Mynydd Etna, a rhosmari lleol, mae’r gwirod yma’n plethu blasau gwahanol yn ddi-drafferth. Asiad perffaith sy’n dawnsio ar dafod chwantus.
Did you know that a volcano played a big role in our newest blood orange & rosemary gin? The blood oranges from the groves of Sicily have perfect growing conditions. A warm climate, gentle sea breezes and a continuous source of micro-nutrients that these fruits demand. The source of the abundant micro-nutrients come from Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano. The last major eruption was in February of this year, just as our oranges were gearing themselves up to be harvested. Farmers often talk of these eruptions being lucky. That being said, if I had someone fertilise my enormous fields in a few days, I’d feel lucky too.
Our blood orange and rosemary gin is hand crafted by our head distiller, Mark. We produce these in small bespoke batches of no more than 50 bottles at a time. Perfect for gin aficionados. DELIVERY – We deliver our bottles across Cardiff every Wednesday and Saturday between 5 and 7pm. Beyond that we’ll send it in the mail (further details in the checkout section).
Oeddach chi’n gwybod bod llosgfynydd wedi chwarae rol hollbwysing yn ein jin diweddaraf. Mae’r orenau waedlyd yn deillio o Mynydd Etna yn yr Eidal. Mae nhw’n tyfu’n dda fan hyn oherwydd eu bod yn mwynhau amodau perffaith. Hinsawdd cynnes, awel mor a ffynhonnell diddiwed o microfaethynnau sy’n bwysig i ffrwythau fel sitrws. Ffynhonnell yr micorfaethynnau yma ydi Mynydd Etna, llosgfynydd mwyaf gweithredol Ewrop. Ffrwydrodd Etna nol ym mis Chwefror, fel oedd y ffrwythau sydd yn ein jin yn eistedd ar y goedan. Mae’r ffermwyr lleol yn cyfeirio at lwc dda pryd bynnag mae’r mynydd yn ffrwydro. Wedi deud hyny, tasa rhywbeth yn ffrwythloni ‘yn ffarm anferth i mewn ychydig oriau, ‘swn i’n teimlo’n eitha lwcus hefud.